Special Interest Groups
Special Interest Groups (SIGS) are small, informal gatherings of members who share a common interest. Groups meet monthly at the West Waco Library and Genealogy Center for discussion and to assist group members with their research efforts. Join us at the next meeting or contact the group leader for more information. If you are interested in the creation of a NEW special interest group, let us know.
Cemetery Interest Group - This group is sponsored by the Waco McLennan County Library and led by Genealogy Supervisor Bill Buckner. The mission of this group is to maintain an inventory of all cemeteries in McLennan County using proper techniques and the latest technology. Group members are active in the research of cemeteries and searching for those that are undocumented. This group meets the 2nd Monday at 5:30 p.m. in the small conference room next to the genealogy center. Contact Bill Buckner for more information.
DNA Research - The latest tool in genealogical research is DNA testing. The complexity of this field can be confusing. Join this group to learn who to test, how to test, and what to do with the results when they are received. Group members share the knowledge they have acquired by assisting others one-on-one. This group meets the 2nd Thursday at 4:00 p.m. in the large conference room. For information, contact Sherri Ahmadzadeh.
German Research - Central Texas is home to many German researchers. Members help each other identify sources of information to learn about their German ancestors including finding where they lived in Germany, when and where they immigrated, and learning about their lives in America. Tips on intrepreting German handwritten records are very helpful. Members enjoy celebrating each others successes and sharing the family stories learned from research. This group meets the 1st Monday of each month at 10:00 a.m. in the large conference room. For information, contact Linda Jordan.
Southeastern US Research - Have Southern Heritage? Then this is a great group to join if you have ancestors who lived in the 12 southeastern states: the Carolinas, Georgia, Alabama, Florida, Mississippi, Louisiana, Tennessee, Arkansas, Virginia, West Virginia & Kentucky. Group members will offer support in your search efforts when you are locating and analyzing documents for your research. Currently we are looking at migration trails in the south. We also discuss helpful books in the library & websites to search for records. This group meets the 4th Monday at 4:00 p.m. in the small conference room next to the genealogy center. For information, contact Gina Andre. See y'all there!