
CTGS publications have indexes that are searchable by the public. However, the published books themselves can only be accessed online with a paid subscription. CTGS offers a discounted Research Membership for researchers who reside outside of Texas. CTGS publications are also available in the Waco-McLennan County Library's West Waco Library & Genealogy Center. Please Note: only the out-of-print volumes are posted online on this website.
HOTR Quarterly
The CTGS award-winning quarterly publication, Heart of Texas Records, is available online to members, There is a Topical Index in searchable pdf format. Additionally, some print copies may be available for purchase.

CTGS Books
Through the years, countless CTGS volunteers have invested thousands of hours compiling family history records for McLennan County, Texas.
Much of this work is represented in 9 volumes of cemetery records in book form. The cemetery volumes are a legacy left behind by decades of work by many CTGS volunteers.
In 1974, CTGS compiled a Name Index of deaths and funerals in McLennan County found in 68 volumes of the Fall & Puckett funeral home records dated 1892 - 1931. This index contains the names and death information of over 14,000 early Wacoans.
CTGS members compiled data from 30 volumes of funeral information from Boykins Funeral Home, which served the black community in Waco from 1921 - 1991. CDs are avaialable for purchase, each containing the abstract and photographs of one of the 30 volumes,  For copies of the abstract and/or CDs, please order through the CTGS online store. 
Marriage Books. CTGS has compiled four volumes listing McLennan County marriages dating back to 1850. The first two volumes are avilable online on this website and the last two volumes are available for purchase in the CTGS store. These valuable resources list not only bride and groom but in many instances, the place of birth, parents, and the name of the officiant performing the rite. The books also include short bios of many judges and ministers, history of the churches as they were being founded, and the names of founding members and leaders in those churches.
Katy Railroad Cards. This fascinating reference contains photocopies of the personnel cards of the Warden Shop of the Missouri-Kansas-Texas (M-K-T or "Katy") Railroad in Bellmead, Texas, from the 1920's through the 1940's. If you have a relative who worked for the railroad in Central Texas during that time period, you are likely to be able to find information on them in this resource.
VIEW CTGS BOOKS (Members Only)