Welcome to Central Texas Genealogical Society!


Pilgrims, Partners, and PlantationsPilgrims, Partners, and Plantations  (Brown Bag Programs)
Monday, January 13, 2025 at Noon
West Waco Library & Genealogy Center
5301 Bosque Blvd.
Each person on the Mayflower represented a unique
history, but few as powerful as the story of William
Bradford, second governor of the Colonies who was
re-elected to the position over 30 additional years.
Genealogy research led to the unfolding of a memoir of his legacy to this country. Genealogy educator Judy Staples will provide research tips and valuable historical context while recounting the tale of William Bradford.
This program is co-sponsored by the
Central Texas Genealogical Society

What's Behind the "Members Only" Curtain?

The Members Only portion of this website is home to lots of interesting and helpful data.  Join CTGS at a single membership of $20 to access these extensive online resources:
  • CTGS Quarterlies and Bulletins- 1958 to current. Both the issues and a searchable topical index are available online.
  • Cemetery Records - 26 volumes
  • Funeral Home Records -
          Boykins Funeral Home – Abstract from 30 volumes from 1920-1991
          Fall & Puckett Funeral Home – 34 books from 1892-1912    
          Fall Funeral Home – 7 books from 1912-1917
          Puckett Funeral Home – 25 books from 1912-1931
          JC Stephenson Funeral Home – 2 books from 1895-1896
  • Marriage Books -
          McLennan County Marriage Book 1 - 1850-1870
          McLennan County Marriage Book 2 - 1871-1892
(Also includes short bios of many judges and ministers, history of the churches as they were being founded and names of founding members and leaders in those churches)
  • Early Waco Obituaries - 1874-1908
  • Katy Railroad Cards- This fascinating reference contains the personnel cards of the warden shop of the Missouri-Kansas-Texas (M-K-T or Katy) Railroad in Bellmead, Texas from the 1920's through the 1940's.
  • Index to 1870 & 1910 Census for McLennan County – 4 volumes
  • Index to Early McLennan County Deaths
  • Program handouts from CTGS-hosted programs (with permission) [coming soon]

TSGS Family History Conference

Don't miss the 2024 TxSGS Family History Conference All-Star Event!

Ten nationally-known speakers kick off the best in genealogy learning at the 2024 TxSGS Family History Conference. During TxSGS Live!, you’ll learn from Deborah Abbott, Diana Elder, Colleen Robledo Greene, Debbie Gurtler, J. Mark Lowe, Michael Neill, Andrew Redfern, Diane L. Richard, Katy Rowe-Schurwanz, and Michael Strauss. Watch via the Whova platform on November 1-2, 2024, or on-demand through February 2, 2025.

Continue learning with another 31 sessions that bring you cutting-edge genealogy topics to help you climb your family tree! With tracks on DNA, ethnic research, methodology, military, records and resources, technology, and artificial intelligence the TxSGS Family History Conference is filled to the brim with the tips and techniques you've come to expect from a TxSGS event.

All topics are available on-demand through February 2, 2025.
Check out the topics and speakers at https://www.txsgs.org/2024-conference/2024-conference-2/ – the answer you need to solve your research challenge might be just a click away!


Have Ancestor Information To Share?

Heart of Texas Records is a great quarterly genealogy journal but do you know what would make it even better? Your submissions! In addition to your Family Stories, we are also interested in your experiences with:
Research Tips: Guidance on how to conduct genealogical research, including how to use various records and resources.
Case Studies: In-depth articles about specific family histories, showing methodologies and sources used.
Historical Articles: Pieces that provide context on historical events and eras, helping genealogists understand the lives of their ancestors.
Do you have something to share discovered during your research? Please share by submitting it to the Heart of Texas Records Quarterly Editor at editor@ctgs.orgNext thing you know, you may be a published author!
Submission deadline is March 1, 2025, for the Spring Issue.
Helpful tips and policy and guidelines for submission for publication in Heart of Texas Records are on this website under Publications/Quarterlies. Please contact the Quarterly Editor with any questions.


Members, can you help with new queries?

Members - If you haven't checked lately we have NEW QUERIES! You could be someone's genealogical angel.
Visitors- We invite you to email your queries and requests for genealogical help to the CTGS Webmaster.


Families Wanted for TV Show

Could your family survive life on the frontier?
Ever dreamed of testing yourself against the challenges of the Old West? Or living in a time before tech?
Wall to Wall is looking for fun families to journey back in time for 9 weeks this summer, to experience life on the frontier!
For more information and how to apply: https://bit.ly/BackToTheFrontier


Free Monthly Events at the West Waco Library

Programs begin at noon and last about one hour. Bring a lunch and learn skills, tips, and techniques to help your family history research.
West Waco Library & Genealogy Center 5301 Bosque Blvd.
For questions call 254-750-5945


CTGS Needs You!!!!
Volunteers are the heart of CTGS!  Would you consider several of the following ways you can help make CTGS a more effective, vibrant organization?  Please contact our volunteer coordinator, for more information. 
  • Enter data records into the website
  • Write an article for quarterly publication Heart of Texas Records
  • Volunteer at the annual Genealogy Lock-in
  • Submit articles for the website
  • Volunteer at the Genealogy Center
  • Lead or start a NEW Special Interest Group
  • Do research for others from home or the library
  • Monetary donations
  • Present a program on a topic you are interested in


Learning to "Read" a Cemetery
Would you like to learn to “read” a cemetery? It’s a genealogical adventure! On many older gravestones, there are pictures and symbols that tell stories about your loved ones and ancestors. If you can’t read “gravestone-language” you are missing part of the story. CTGS has posted this interesting trio of blog entries from the Billion Graves web site that will provide invaluable tools to unlock these symbols. You'll find it on our "Helpful Facts" Research Aids page.


Search Engine Tips
Have you tried the CTGS Search Engine? It's a great tool to get the most out of your visit to CTGS.ORG, even if you are not a member! The whole web site is searchable by any user. However if you are not a member, the search engine may point to areas that require membership for full access.
To gain full access, just purchase an inexpensive CTGS membership. A "Research Membership" (for users from outside of Texas) is only $10 per year. That averages less than a $1 per month!
Members- If you will log in BEFORE doing your search, then the search will take you straight to the document or resource you need. Once in the document, press Ctrl-F to search for occurences of your information within the document.
The CTGS Search Engine is powered by Google, so all the search techniques (like wild cards) you normally use in Google Searches will work the same way here.


Proud Partner Society of

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Keep track of the various ways your family names are spelled.
[Basic Information]

Store your original documents in a safe place apart from your working files.
[Basic Information]

Birth Records are difficult to obtain because they can be used for so many purposes. You may be required to provide proof of relationship and proof of the person's death.
[Vital Records]

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